December 14, 2024

Initial configuration of CISCO Router

Initial configuration of CISCO Router: Initial configuration of CISCO Router: At first power on your router & connect console cable to router console port. then use bellow command [boxads] Router>enable Router#conf t Router(config)# Now copy and past below command after change [xxxxxxx] this portion as your requirement. hostname Router_Name enable secret xxxxxxx username xxxxxx privilege 15 secret xxxxxxxx username xxxxxx privilege 3 secret xxxxxxx interface FastEthernet0/0 des ” Local OM Interface” ip address no shutdown full-duplex exit

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Initial Configuration CISCO Router

Initial configuration CISCO Router: At first power on your router & connect console cable to router console port. then use bellow command……………… [boxads] Router>enable Router#conf t Router(config)# Now copy and past below command after change [xxxxxxx] this portion as your requirement. hostname Router_Name enable secret xxxxxxx username xxxxxx privilege 15 secret xxxxxxxx username xxxxxx privilege 3 secret xxxxxxx interface FastEthernet0/0 des ” Local OM Interface” ip address 1.1.x.x 255.255.x.x no shutdown full-duplex exit

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IOS upgrade CISCO Router

IOS upgrade CISCO Router: Install TFTP server on your PC/Laptop. Then keep your updated IOS on “C:TFTP-Root” directory & set ip and subnet mask on your NIC card. Here i use:  ip of my pc. [boxads] Router#sh flash: System flash directory: File  Length   Name/status 1   33725096  asr901-universalk9-mz.152-2.SNI.bin 2   1180     CAT1811U22B_1396860941.lic [33726404 bytes used, 66674744 available, 100401148 total] 98304K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write) [bodyads] Router# Router#erase flash: Erasing the flash filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm] Erasing device… eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee …erased

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Reset Cisco Router password

Reset Cisco Router password: Today i will discuss how to reset Cisco Router password. so follow bellow steps……….. [boxads] Step-1.  Reboot your router first, when it rebooting attempt to break into ROM Monitor (ROMmon) by issuing the break sequence (usually Ctrl and break from the Hyperterminal) from a console connection. Refer to: Cisco Standard Break Key Combinations You should see this ROMmon prompt: rommon 1> Step-2.  Change the configure register value to ignore the startup configuration by issuing the confreg command, as shown in this example: rommon 1> confreg 0x2142 Step-3.  To reload the router, issue the reset command, as …

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Cisco Router factory-default

Cisco Router factory-default: Today i will discuss how to do Cisco Router factory-default or initial configuration mode. we configure it two way, “Erase nvram“ and “erase startup-config”, So lets follow bellow procedure………..[boxads] #.To erase the configuration file, use erase nvram: command. Router> en Router#erase nvram: Reload the router by reload command. Router# reload

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Juniper Router factory default

Juniper Router factory default: Are you want to  juniper router factory default ? or delete total configuration ? There are many reason to want to reset the configuration back to factory defaults on a Juniper Router. Perhaps you bought a router off eBay and its got an existing configuration and you don’t want to manually delete every section of the config. Maybe you have to sanitize your devices because they’re being decommissioned and sold off. Wouldn’t want configurations with company confidential information ending up in the hands of random strangers who bought the devices off eBay would you? Sadly this …

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