March 25, 2025

Configure Trunk port Huawei ONT

How to Configure Trunk port Huawei ONT

Today i will show how to configure trunk port Huawei ONT. Here i use Huawei MA5608T series OLT & EchoLife:HG851 ONT device. We will configure Trunk port eth-port: 1 of that  ONT. So let’s start our configuration part…………….

Step-1: At first we search ONT serial number in our OLT discover list option by bellow command:

config t
display ont autofind all

Look like bellow format in OLT:

Huawei-OLT(config)#display ont autofind all


Number              : 1
F/S/P                  : 0/0/6
Ont SN                : 485754439BCV3102
Password            : 0x31323334353600000000(123456)
Loid                     : 123456
Checkcode          :
VendorID            : HWTC
Ont Version         : OT55GAGB VER.Dÿ
Ont SoftwareVersion : V1R1C01SPC021
Ont EquipmentID      : EchoLife:HG851
Ont autofind time       : 2014-09-27 04:10:07+06:00
The number of GPON autofind ONT is 1



Step-2: Now need to create a Service profile:

ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 500 profile-name “Trunk”         //Here 500 is your profile id
ont-port pots 4 eth 4           //(4=pots RJ11 port, 4= ONT eth port)
port vlan eth 1 transparent

Look like bellow format in OLT:

ont-srvprofile for Trunk port
ont-srvprofile for Trunk port


Step-3: now we create Line profile:

ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 500 profile-name “Trunk”
mapping-mode port
tcont 4 dba-profile-id 11                    //11= dba profile
gem add 126 eth tcont 4                   //gem=126,tcont=4
gem mapping 126 0 eth 1       //0=mapping index, gem index 126

Look like bellow format in OLT:

ont-lineprofile for trunk port
ont-lineprofile for trunk port


Step-4: Now we ADD ONT :

interface gpon 0/0
ont add 6 sn-auth 485754439BDF3102 password-auth 123456 omci ont-lineprofile-id 500 ont-srvprofile-id 500 desc “Any-description”

[ Here  6 = pon port, which we got from discover list,    F/S/P      : 0/0/6 ]

Look like bellow format in OLT:

Huawei-OLT(config)#interface gpon 0/0

Huawei-OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont add 6 sn-auth 485754439BDF3102 password-auth 123456 omci ont-lineprofile-id 500 ont-srvprofile-id 500 desc “Any-description”

Number of ONTs that can be added: 1, success: 1
PortID :6, ONTID :0



Step-5: Now we ADD native Vlan to the ONT Port:

For Trunk port, native VLAN configuration is not needed.

Step-6: Vlan declare and pass Upstream port:

Huawei-OLT(config)#vlan 2816 smart
Huawei-OLT(config)#vlan 2817 smart

Huawei-OLT(config)#port vlan 2816 0/2  0
Huawei-OLT(config)#port vlan 2817 0/2  0


Step-7: Now we create Service port for that link:

For Trunk link, different service port need for each VLAN, Here we use 500 & 501 service port for 2816 & 2817 VLAN.

service-port 500 vlan 2816 gpon 0/0/6 ont 0 gemport 126 multi-service user-vlan 2816 tag-transform transparent inbound traffic-table index 3 outbound traffic-table index 3

service-port 501 vlan 2817 gpon 0/0/6 ont 0 gemport 126 multi-service user-vlan 2817 tag-transform transparent inbound traffic-table index 3 outbound traffic-table index 3

Look like bellow format in OLT:

Trunk port Huawei ONT
Trunk port Huawei ONT


Link Confirmation :

Finally we complete that registration, Now we check that link by some command…………

Huawei-OLT(config)#display service-port 500
Index                                      : 500
VLAN ID                               : 2816
VLAN attr                             : common
Port type                               : gpon
F/S/P                                    : 0/0/6
ONT ID                                 : 0
GEM port index                  : 126
Flow type                             : vlan
Flow para                            : 2816
TX                                         : 3
Inbound table name         :1Mbps
RX                                        : 3
Outbound table name      :1Mbps
Admin status                     : enable
State                                    : up
Label                                   : –
Priority                               : –
PVC bundle                       : no
Max MAC count               : 1023
Tag transform                  : transparent
Description                       :
Remote description        :
Service-port bundle        : –
Cos                                     : –
Car-Group                        : –
Static MAC                       :
IP address                        :
Note: F–Frame, S–Slot, P–Port
Dvlan–double vlan
ppp–pppoe, ip–ipoe, ip4–ipv4oe, ip6–ipv6oe

Now we see that ONT state is UP…………………………………


Note: Trunk configuration for Huawei OLT (PRODUCT MA5603T & MA5600T) is not working above configuration, need some change. Need to configure all trunk vlan q-in-q mode first, then all remaining configuration are same as above. Here i use VLAN 2816 & 2817 for trunk port. So configuration procedure for (PRODUCT MA5603T & MA5600T) is.

vlan attrib 2816 q-in-q
vlan attrib 2817 q-in-q


Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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13 thoughts on “Configure Trunk port Huawei ONT

  1. hello Sir

    I’ve got a problem, when i put the switch after the ONT’s device i can’t ping the device from the switch to the ONT device, can you solve this problem? I use only one VLAN’s Management for each device

    Here is the topology i use
    Router -> OLT -> ONT -> Switch
    the result i get from this topolgy is
    router can ping to OLT, ONT and switch. OLT Can ping to Router, ONT, and switch. switch can ping to OLT and Router but can’t ping to Switch. switch can ping to Router and OLT but can’t ping to ONT.

  2. hi Mr. shahed
    hope you are fine , Did you config pots services on MA 5616?
    i have 2 question about that , can you help me on below question :
    1- MA 5616 can handle the call without sip server ?
    2- if we need to sip server for handeling the call let me know how can config that ?

  3. Hi,

    I did as your config for making ONT with trunk passing 2 vlan BRAS—-OLT —– ONU—Client Router.

    Here’s my config for Trunk:

    ont-srvprofile gpon profile-id 3 profile-name “Trunk”
    ont-port pots adaptive eth adaptive
    port vlan eth 2 transparent
    port vlan eth 3 transparent
    port vlan eth 4 transparent
    port vlan eth 5 transparent

    ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 3 profile-name “Trunk”
    tr069-management ip-index 0
    mapping-mode port
    tcont 4 dba-profile-id 11
    gem add 126 eth tcont 4
    gem mapping 126 0 eth 2

    service-port 110 vlan 500 gpon 0/0/2 ont 2 gemport 14 multi-service user-vlan 500 tag-transform transparent
    service-port 111 vlan 550 gpon 0/0/2 ont 2 gemport 14 multi-service user-vlan 550 tag-transform transparent

    ont add 2 0 sn-auth “485754431B8AA725” omci ont-lineprofile-id 3
    ont-srvprofile-id 3 desc “trunk”

    any thing wrong please help.

    1. You create GEM 126 but you apply 14 in your service-port,
      Another issue your registered F/S/P is [0/0/2 ont 0] but you apply [0/0/2 ont 2] please correct it

  4. Hi Shahed!
    Did you use GPON SFP ONT DLINK DPN-100 (D-LINK DPN-100, GPON ONU in SFP MSA structure, 1.244Gbps uplink / 2.488Gbps downlink GPON, Compliant with ITU-T G.984.x (G.984.5 support), Compliant with ITU-T G.984.2 Amd1, Class B+, Application: Providing pluggable GPON ONU function for Ethernet Switch, Router, Home gateway & other customer premises equipment)?
    Maybe you have setup this ONT to work in transparent mode or trunk mode?

  5. Hi, I think Client isolation feature is enable by default, as one of client from same OLT with VLAN XYX can't talk to each other. Is there any solution to disable to specific vlan or over all, please suggest.

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