Delete DBA profile in Huawei OLT:
Today i will discuss how to delete DBA profile in Huawei OLT. Here i work Huawei MA5608T Model OLT. At first login your Huawei OLT & go to config mode then type bellow command. [boxads]
Huawei-OLT(config)#dba-profile delete profile-id 12

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Can You explain for what is dba profile and traffic profile assignet do service-port ??
I can understand whay I must in 2 places set bandwith?
Different between DBA profile & Traffic table:
All DBA profile group member are get same bandwidth, which you create in a DBA profile ID.
But if you need specific client fixed 1Mbps or 2Mbps bandwidth or anything then you need traffic table.
I have an issue modifying dba profile which shows msg like” Failure: DBA profile has been used” . olt version is VERSION : MA5600V800R011C00
PATCH : SPC100 SPH109 HP1111
please help
you need to modify running line-profile all DBA profile ID or delete line-profile, then you can delete/modify dba.