March 25, 2025

Create DBA profile in Huawei OLT

Create DBA profile in Huawei OLT:

Today i will discuss how to Create DBA profile in Huawei OLT. Here i work Huawei MA5608T Model OLT. [boxads]

There are 5 types of T-CONTs which can be allocated to the user

  1. Type 1: This is fixed bandwidth type and mainly used for services sensitive to delay and high priority like VOIP.
  2. Type 2 and Type 3: Both are guaranteed bandwidth types and mainly used for video services and data services of higher priorities.
  3. Type 4: This is best-effort type and mainly used for data services such as Internet and services of low priority which do not require high bandwidth.
  4. Type 5: This is mixed type, involving all bandwidth types and bearing all services.

At first login your Huawei OLT & go to config mode then type bellow command.

Huawei-OLT(config)#dba-profile add profile-id 12 profile-name Any_name type4 max 1000000

Create DBA profile
Create DBA profile


Please follow below you tube Video for show configuration.


Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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20 thoughts on “Create DBA profile in Huawei OLT

  1. Hi Shahed,

    I got some issue while adding ONT,

    xyz-olt1(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont add 0 16 sn-auth 485754434204773F omci ont-lineprofile-id 1 ont-srvprofile-id 1 desc “forbid”
    Failure: The bandwidth is not enough

    Is this issue related to dba profile.. Can you suggest on it.

    1. Yes, it is your DBA profile issue. May be your fixed BW of DBA profile is assigned highest BW & this profile occupied full BW, Can you send your all DBA profile list, by putting below command…..

      #display dba-profile all

  2. Hi thanks for your message, Here's my dba profiles

    olt1(config)#display dba-profile all
    Profile-ID type Bandwidth Fix Assure Max Bind
    compensation (kbps) (kbps) (kbps) times
    0 3 No 0 8192 20480 1
    1 1 No 5120 0 0 0
    2 1 No 1024 0 0 1
    3 4 No 0 0 32768 0
    4 1 No 1024000 0 0 0
    5 1 No 32768 0 0 0
    6 1 No 102400 0 0 0
    7 2 No 0 32768 0 0
    8 2 No 0 102400 0 0
    9 3 No 0 32768 65536 0
    11 3 No 0 5120 8192 0
    12 3 No 0 10240 15360 0
    14 3 No 0 8192 10240 0
    15 4 No 0 0 2560 0

    your suggestion is highly appreciated…

    1. Please delete/modify your DBA profile id:4, and reduce it's BW bellow 1Gbps. Then try. All fixed BW are capture this dba id 4. Not enohgh BW are free in fixed BW.

  3. thanks for your reply but, I’ven’t use no 4 profile in any of my ont-profile. used profiles are 11 12 14 & 15.
    Does it make any difference in unused one as well.

    1. May be problem of your DBA profile/ Traffic table. If it is OK then check optical loss of physical path, If it is OK then check UTP cable & PC/Laptop Ethernet LAN-card speed 100Mbps & full duplex or not ?

  4. Hello
    Please help me.
    I have the same problem as Srijan.
    I creat a new dba-profile but still give me the same message.

    "(config-if-gpon-0/6)add #ont add 18 sn-auth 48575443a1b7a804 omci ont-lineprofile-id 2194 ont-srvprofile-id 2194 desc vlan_2194
    Failure: The Bandwindth is not enough.

    -dba profile list

    Profile-id type band.comp fix assure max bind
    0 3 no 0 8192 20480 1
    1 1 no 5120 0 0 99
    2 1 no 1024 0 0 3
    3 4 no 0 0 32768 0
    4 1 no 1024000 0 0 0
    5 1 no 32768 0 0 0
    6 3 no 0 1024 102400 2
    7 2 no 0 32768 0 0
    8 2 no 0 1024000 0 0
    9 3 no 0 32768 65536 191
    11 4 no 0 0 1024000 2
    12 4 no 0 0 1024000 0

    Thank you in advance.

    1. Your problem is same as Srijan. please modify DBA profile ID: 4 & BW assign bellow 1Gbps, You may assign it 10/50/100Mbps. This fixed BW occupied your full BW. so reduce it & try again.
      Thanks for comments.

  5. Hi Shahid, I have an problem. In Hyuwai OLT i assinged a dba profile of type1 for 50 Mbps speed. But customer is getting speed around 15-18 Mbps downloading and ony 1 Mbps uploading. what could be the problem.

    thanks in advance

  6. Hello saheed,
    Thank you for the excellent website, could you please explain the need of DBA-Profile if traffic can be controlled by traffic-profile ?
    Thanks in advance

  7. Same problem with dba-profiles, there is the problem in T-CONT assigned dba-profiles with assured bandwidth, so dba-profiles with assured bandwidth in use.

    There is no possible to modify a DBA in use, how it could be done? maybe power-off al boards? Is there anyway to change it in standby board and save it at all?


    1. You can do it by modify DBA profile. If it bind with many ONT, then release first all this DBA profile id from all ONT by change ONT lineprofile.

  8. That's ok!! I did first new dba-profiles, then changed ont line-profile (cause I used one generic), then modified dba-profiles.

    Thanks ^^

  9. Thank you for your website, It is very usefull
    I have problem in 5608T in part of dba profile.
    i can not change dba profile in use.
    i have 2000 ont in use and can not change anything on them, can you help me in this part how can i change it quickly?
    it is more important to no change anything.
    Thank you so much

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