March 1, 2025


PON Types: A passive optical network (PON) is a system, that brings optical fiber cabling and signals all or most of the way to the end user. Depending on where the PON terminates, the system can be described as fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC), fiber-to-the-building (FTTB), or fiber-to-the-home (FTTH).[boxads] A PON consists of an Optical Line Termination (OLT) at the communication company’s office and a number of Optical Network Units (ONUs) near end users. Typically, up to 64 ONUs can be connected to an OLT PON port. The passive simply describes the fact that optical transmission has no power requirements or active electronic …


PON Architecture

PON Architecture: Like every other field, PON technology has its own terminology [bodyads] the CO head-end is called an OLT ONUs are the CPE devices (sometimes called ONTs in ITU) the entire fiber tree (incl. feeder, splitters, distribution fibers) is an ODN all trees emanating from the same OLT form an OAN downstream is from OLT to ONU (upstream is the opposite direction) PON Architecture Diagram: OLT (Optical line terminal) OLT is a terminal equipment connected to the fiber backbone. It sends Ethernet data to the ONU, initiates and controls the ranging process, and records the ranging information. OLT allocates …

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PON Advantages

PON Advantages: Shared infrastructure translates to lower cost per customer  minimal number of optical transceivers  feeder fiber and transceiver costs divided by N customers  greenfield per-customer cost similar to UTP [boxads] Passive splitters translate to lower cost can be installed anywhere no power needed essentially unlimited MTBF Fiber data-rates can be upgraded as technology improves initially 155 Mbps then 622 Mbps now 1.25 Gbps soon 2.5 Gbps and higher

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Which types of command used to ping a host continuously?

Which types of command used to ping a host continuously? You can ping from cmd by typing: c:\>ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]] [-w timeout] target_ip/name [boxads] Source(s): Options: -t Ping the specified host until stopped. To see statistics and continue – type Control-Break; To stop – type Control-C. -a Resolve addresses to hostnames. -n count Number of echo requests to send. -l size Send buffer size. -f Set Don’t Fragment flag in packet. -i TTL Time To Live. -v TOS Type Of Service. -r …

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MPLS VPN Components basic knowledge

MPLS VPN Components: Today I will discuss about MPLS VPN Components. It is same as MP-BGP Components. only extra Label component are added with MPLS VPN Components. [boxads] RD: Route Distinguisher VPNv4 routes RT: Route Target Label VPNv4 address: To convert an IPv4 address into a VPNv4 address, RD is appended to the IPv4 address i.e 1:1: Makes the customer’s IPv4 route globally unique. Each VRF must be configured with an RD at the PE. RD is what that defines the VRF   [adsense] Example: ip vrf v1 rd 1:1

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