September 29, 2024

Register Ls Cable ONT / Configure Lscable ONT

How to Register Ls Cable ONT: [boxads]Today i will discuss how to configure / Register LS Cable ONT in LsCable OLT. Here i use LST20016 OLT. At first login your OLT & follow bellow step. Step-1: Find ONT serial in your discovery list. Ls-OLT>en Ls-OLT#sh gpon onu discover-list Step-2: If find your ONT discover list then need to register it. Ls-OLT#config t Ls-OLT(config)#gpon-omch Ls-OLT(config-gpon)#onu register 8/1  5  LSED10030174 [N.B:8/1=PON interface, 5=ONT] Step-3: Now add description of that ONT. Ls-OLT(config-gpon)#onu describe 8/1 5 Desc_Name

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Delete Huawei ONT from OLT

Delete Huawei ONT from OLT: Here we show you how to delete Huawei ONT total configuration which we create for ONT registration time. [boxads] At first we delete service port: Huawei-OLT(config)#undo service-port 500 ################################################################ Now we delete ONT from interface mode: Huawei-OLT(config)#interface gpon 0/0 Huawei-OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont delete 6 0 Number of ONTs that can be deleted: 1, success: 1 Huawei-OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#

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Register Huawei ONT in Huawei OLT

How to Register Huawei ONT in Huawei OLT: Today i will show how to register Huawei ONT in a Huawei OLT. Here i use Huawei MA5608T series OLT & EchoLife: HG851 ONT device. So let’s start our configuration part…………….[boxads] Step-1: At first we search ONT serial number in our OLT discover list option by bellow command: enable config t display ont autofind all Look like bellow format in OLT:

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Create Traffic Table in Huawei OLT

Create Traffic Table in Huawei OLT: [boxads] Here i will show you how to create traffic table or Bandwidth control list in huawei OLT. At first login your OLT & go to config mode then apply bellow command, All meaning of that configuration are given also under the configuration. traffic table ip index 31 name 1Mbps cir 1024 cbs 34768 pir 2048 pbs 67536 priority 4 priority-policy local-Setting Here: we create traffic table for 1Mbps Bandwidth. [ index 31= index number 1Mbps= name / description cir=Committed Information Rate(unit:kbps), here we apply cir=1024 kbps for 1Mbps cbs=Committed Burst Size(unit:byte), CBS is determined …

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Huawei ONT Bandwidth Configure

How to Change Huawei ONT Bandwidth in a service port ? Today i will show you how to Huawei ONT Bandwidth configure. If you want to increase/decrease BW a specific client/ONT user then you can easily do it by Traffic table. At first login your OLT, then show traffic table index number from your traffic table by bellow command…..[boxads] Huawei-OLT#display traffic table ip from-index 0 Look like bellow format: From traffic table we found TID 6 is configured 1 Mbps traffic policy, which we make before. Now we apply it in a service port 426 that is 512 Kbps assigned …

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