Create Traffic Table in Huawei OLT:
Here i will show you how to create traffic table or Bandwidth control list in huawei OLT.
At first login your OLT & go to config mode then apply bellow command, All meaning of that configuration are given also under the configuration.
traffic table ip index 31 name 1Mbps cir 1024 cbs 34768 pir 2048 pbs 67536 priority 4 priority-policy local-Setting
Here: we create traffic table for 1Mbps Bandwidth.
[Â index 31= index number
1Mbps= name / description
cir=Committed Information Rate(unit:kbps), here we apply cir=1024 kbps for 1Mbps
cbs=Committed Burst Size(unit:byte), CBS is determined by min (2000+cir x 32)
pir=Peak Information Rate(unit:kbps), This parameter is optional. If the parameter is not specified, it can be obtained by the formula min(2 x cir)
pbs=Peak Burst Size(unit:byte), PBS is determined by min (2000+pir x 32)
Its Look like bellow format in OLT:

Now we check that configuration is successfully worked or not ?
Please type bellow command in OLT config mode:
Huawei-OLT(config)#display traffic table ip from-index 0
{ <cr>|to-index<K> }:

we found in yellow color area which we create, so our configuration is ok.
If you want exact 1Mbps then you need to put CIR & PIR both value: 1024 Kbps.
By default PIR Value: 2 x CIR if you not put PIR value.