Huawei iManager U2000 NMS Setup Windows 2008
Today i will show everybody how to Huawei iManager U2000 NMS Setup in Windows Server 2008 R2 version.
Step-1: Double-click the install.bat file in the installation package path.

Step-2: Agree to install
Step-3: Select operation language of U2000 software.
Step-4: To set the installation type.
Step-5: To set domain what installation need.
Step-6: To need to install the component.
Step-7: To set IP address and install catalog.
Note: You need to modify the installed IP Address, and set the IP address of installation database. After installation, you can not modify when the software run.
Step-8: Confirm to create the catalog
Step-9: Select deployment instances.
Step-10:Â Set the version style.
Step-11:Â Version of time slot mode.
Step-12: Server database path
Step-13: Database installation package path.
Step-14: Confirm Installation.
Note: In the installation process, every child process and the progress of the total process will be shown.
The procedure will take 2-3 hours.
Step-14: Installation completed
The U2000 NMS default Username is: admin & Password is: Changeme_123
After successfully login, You need to change Password.
The password must meet the following requirements:
- The password contains a minimum of eight characters and a maximum of 30 characters.
- The password must contain at least four of the following combinations:
- At least one lower-case letter
- At least one upper-case letter
- At least one digit
- At least one special character ~@#^*()-_+|[{}]:./?
The special characters that are not supported include at least <>&`!$\”%’=;,space. Do not include these special characters in passwords.
- The password cannot be the same as the user name written in either the forward or backward format.
Video Tutorial Huawei U2000 NMS Server Install in Windows server 2008 R2 :
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