PHYHOME OLT Frequently used Commands
Today i will discuss about PHYHOME OLT Frequently used Commands.
Note:FHL1012B Common command line:
1. Create In-band Vlan:
maintenance\configure# manage vlan <vid> <portlist> [untagged|tagged]
2. Config In-band manage IP address:
maintenance\configure#manage ip <A.B.C.D/M> {<A.B.C.D>}
3. Show In-band management info:
maintenance# display manage vlan
4. In-band manage or delete IP Vlan:
maintenance\configure# manage vlan delete
5. Add users and config password:
maintenance\configure#user add <username> <login_password>
6. Delete users:
maintenance\configure# user delete <username>
7. Config users permission:
maintenance\configure#user role admin <username> <enable_password>
8.Show all users on the devices:
# who
9. Check version:
maintenance# display version
10. Display system running config:
# display running-configuration
11. Check the device running time:
# display time
12. Config system time:
# time <year> <month> <date> <HH:MM:SS>
13. Reboot the certain pon card or the system:
# reboot {[<slotlist>|system|backup]}
14. Open the blinding function between pon port and uplink port:
system\configure# community-group enable
15. show the status of pon port and uplink port:
system# display community-group state
16. Config the speed of uplink port and duplex mode:
system\configure#uplink speed [10m|100m|1000m] duplex [full|half] <portlist>
17. Display pon-status:
system# display pon-state <slotno> <ponno>
18.   PON port isolate:
system\configure#pon [isolate|community] <slotlist> <ponlist>
19.   config storm-control:
system\configure#storm-control [broadcast|multicast|unknown|all] [on|off] {<value>}
20.   Manage ACL configure:
maintenance\configure#manage acl <acl_index> <A.B.C.D/M> [enable|disable]
21.   Telnet service for ACL congig:
maintenance\configure telnet acl <acl_index> {<A.B.C.D/M>}*1 {[enable|disable]}
22.   Enable or disable telnet:
maintenance\configure# telnet enable/disable
23.   ONT auth:
ont\configure# ont-auth <ont_type><mac_address> <slotno> <auth_id>
24.   Auth to show onu information:
ont# display ont-auth-info slotno <slotno> <onulist>
25.   Delete onu Auth:
ont\configure#ont-auth-undo <slotno> <ontlist>
26.   Show the info of the onu without Auth:
ont# display unauth-info <slotno> <ponno>
27.   ONT port isolate:
ont\configure#isolate [enable|disable] <slotno> <onulist>
28.   ONT ACL Config:
ont\configure#onu-acl <rule_id> action [permit|deny]
29.   ONT FE port add the certain slo:
service\configure#service number <slotno> <onulist> <portno> <service_no>
30.   Delete FE port’s config or port-blind:
service\configure#delete <slotno> <onuno> <portno> [service|bind] <1-16>
31.   Config UNI port?VLAN:
service\configure#<slotno> <onulist> <port> <serviceno> [tag|transparent] <cos> <0-65535> <c_vlanlist>
32.   Config VLAN of uplink:
vlan#vlan-database <name> <vidlist> <portlist> [untagged|tagged]
33.   QinQ blind to FE port:
service\configure# service vlan <slotno> <onulist> <portno> <serviceno>
34 Send ONT FE port config:
service\configure# apply fe-service-compress-pkt <slotno> <onuno>
34.   ONT FE port config showing:
service# display service info <slotno> <onuno>
35.   Create QinQ template:
service\configure# qinq-description create <profile_name>
36.   Delete QinQ template:
service\configure#qinq-description parameter <profile_name> {<field_type> <field_val> <op>}
37.   Vlan config of QinQ template:
service\configure#qinq-description service <profile_name> <service_name> <svlan_vid> <svlan_tpid> <svlan_cos>
38.   PON port blinkd QinQ:
service\configure# pon_qinq [bind|unbind] <slotlist> <ponlist> <profile_name>
39.   PON VLAN config:
vlan#pon_vlan <slot_list><pon_list><tag_vlan_list>
40.   PON VLAN Mode config:
vlan#pon_vlan_mode <associated><independent>
41.   Show FDB aging time:
fdb#display aging-time
42.   FDB aging time config:
fdb# Aging-time <value>
43.   Igmp function on or off:
igmp\configure#proxy [on|off]
44.   IGMP Mode config:
igmp\configure#mode-set [snooping|proxy|off]
45.   IGMP Agent IP config:
igmp\configure#proxy-ip <A.B.C.D>
46. Uplink IGMP VLAN on or off:
igmp\configure#uplink-vlan [on|off]
46.   IGMP template create or delete:
igmp\configure#programme-package <name> [create|remove]
47.   IGMP Add or delete:
igmp\configure#programme-package <name> [add|delete] {<group_address> [normal]}
48.   Igmp VLAN info display:
igmp # display vlan
49.   IGMP FE port info config:
igmp\configure#igmp port <slotno> <onu> <port>