Queue Scheduling Configure ZTE OLT
Today i will show how to Queue Scheduling Configure ZTE OLT.
- Make sure that the network device works normally.
- Log in to the ZXA10 C220 through HyperTerminal or Telnet.
Each physical port of the ZXA10 C220 supports eight (0 – 7) output queues, which are called CoS queues. The device performs operations on the output queues on the entry port according to the CoS queues corresponding to the packet 802.1p. When congestion occurs on the network, multiple packets may compete for one resource. Queue scheduling can solve this problem.
On the network side, the ZXA10 C220 supports three queue scheduling modes:
- Fair–queue
- SP
To configure the queue scheduling, perform the following steps:
Step-1. Use the configure terminal command to enter global configuration mode.
Step-2. Use the queue-mode command to configure network side queue schedule mode.
Example of Queue Scheduling Configure ZTE OLT:
- Configure queue scheduling on uplink ports.
- Port 0/14/1: SP
- Port 0/14/2: WRR, queue 0 – 7 weight 10, 5, 8, 10, 5, 8, 9,10.
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/14/1
ZXAN(config-if)#queue-mode strict-priority
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/14/2
ZXAN(config-if)#queue-mode wrr 0 10 1 5 2 8 3 10 4 5 5 8 6 9 7 10