March 26, 2025

Juniper Remote Access Configuration

Juniper Remote Access Configuration

Today i will discuss about Juniper Remote Access Configuration Example. How to enable FTP, SSH, Telnet, http etc…service in Juniper Router/Switch. [boxads]

Enable FTP Service:

shahed@Jessore-PE1# set system services ftp ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except  Don’t inherit configuration data from these groups
  connection-limit     Maximum number of allowed connections (1..250)
  rate-limit           Maximum number of connections per minute (1..250)
  |                    Pipe through a command
shahed@Jessore-PE1# set system services ftp

shahed@Jessore-PE1# commit
commit complete

By default, the router or switch supports a limited number of simultaneous FTP sessions and connection attempts per minute. You can include either or both of the following statements to change the defaults:

  • connection-limit limit—Maximum number of simultaneous connections per protocol (IPV4 and IPv6). The range is a value from 1 through 250. The default is 75. When you configure a connection limit, the limit is applicable to the number of sessions per protocol (IPv4 and IPv6). For example, a connection limit of 10 allows 10 IPv6 FTP sessions and 10 IPv4 FTP sessions.
  • rate-limit limit—Maximum number of connection attempts accepted per minute (a value from 1 through 250). The default is 150.When you configure a rate limit, the limit is applicable to the number of connection attempts per protocol (IPv4 and IPv6). For example, a rate limit of 10 allows 10 IPv6 FTP session connection attempts and 10 IPv4 FTP session connection attempts.

You can use passive FTP to access devices that accept only passive FTP services. All commands and statements that use FTP also accept passive FTP. Include the ftp statement at the [edit system services] hierarchy level to use either active FTP or passive FTP.

To start a passive FTP session, use pasvftp (instead of ftp ) in the standard FTP format (ftp://destination). For example:

request system software add pasv

You cannot include the ftp statement on routers or switches that run the Junos-FIPS software. We recommend that you do not use the finger service in a Common Criteria environment.

Juniper Remote Access Configuration Enable FTP service
Juniper Remote Access Configuration Enable FTP service

Enable Telent Service:

shahed@Jessore-PE1# set system services telnet ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except  Don’t inherit configuration data from these groups
  connection-limit     Maximum number of allowed connections (1..250)
  rate-limit           Maximum number of connections per minute (1..250)
  |                    Pipe through a command
shahed@Jessore-PE1# set system services telnet

shahed@Jessore-PE1# commit
commit complete

By default, the router or switch supports a limited number of simultaneous Telnet sessions and connection attempts per minute.

Optionally, you can include either or both of the following statements to change the defaults:

  • connection-limit limit—Maximum number of simultaneous connections per protocol (IPV4 and IPv6). The range is from 1 through 250. The default is 75. When you configure a connection limit, the limit is applicable to the number of telnet sessions per protocol (IPv4 and IPv6). For example, a connection limit of 10 allows 10 IPv6 telnet sessions and 10 IPv4 telnet sessions.
  • rate-limit limit—Maximum number of connection attempts accepted per minute (from 1 through 250). The default is 150. When you configure a rate limit, the limit is applicable to the number of connection attempts per protocol (IPv4 and IPv6). For example, a rate limit of 10 allows 10 IPv6 telnet session connection attempts per minute and 10 IPv4 telnet session connection attempts per minute.

You cannot include the telnet statement on devices that run the Junos-FIPS software. We recommend that you do not use Telnet in a Common Criteria environment.

Juniper Remote Access Configuration Enable Telent Service
Juniper Remote Access Configuration Enable Telent Service

Enable SSH Service:

shahed@Jessore-PE1# set system services ssh ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except  Don’t inherit configuration data from these groups
+ ciphers              Specify the ciphers allowed for protocol version 2
  client-alive-count-max  Threshold of missing client-alive responses that triggers a disconnect
  client-alive-interval  Frequency of client-alive requests (0..65535 seconds)
  connection-limit     Maximum number of allowed connections (1..250)
> hostkey-algorithm    Specify permissible SSH host-key algorithms
+ key-exchange         Specify ssh key-exchange for Diffie-Hellman keys
+ macs                 Message Authentication Code algorithms allowed (SSHv2)
  max-sessions-per-connection  Maximum number of sessions per single SSH connection
  no-tcp-forwarding    Do not allow forwarding TCP connections via SSH
+ protocol-version     Specify ssh protocol versions supported
  rate-limit           Maximum number of connections per minute (1..250)
  root-login           Configure root access via ssh
  tcp-forwarding       Allow forwarding TCP connections via SSH
  |                    Pipe through a command
shahed@Jessore-PE1# set system services ssh

shahed@Jessore-PE1# commit
commit complete


By default, the router or switch supports a limited number of simultaneous SSH sessions and connection attempts per minute. Use the following statements to change the defaults:

  • connection-limit limit—Maximum number of simultaneous connections per protocol (IPV4 and IPv6). The range is a value from 1 through 250. The default is 75. When you configure a connection limit, the limit is applicable to the number of SSH sessions per protocol (IPv4 and IPv6). For example, a connection limit of 10 allows 10 IPv6 SSH sessions and 10 IPv4 SSH sessions.
  • max-sessions-per-connection number—Include this statement to specify the maximum number of SSH sessions allowed per single SSH connection. This allows you to limit the number of cloned sessions tunneled within a single SSH connection. The default value is 10.
  • rate-limit limit—Maximum number of connection attempts accepted per minute (a value from 1 through 250). The default is 150. When you configure a rate limit, the limit is applicable to the number of connection attempts per protocol (IPv4 and IPv6). For example, a rate limit of 10 allows 10 IPv6 SSH session connection attempts per minute and 10 IPv4 SSH session connection attempts per minute.

By default, a user can create an SSH tunnel over a CLI session to a router running Junos OS via SSH. This type of tunnel could be used to forward TCP traffic, bypassing any firewall filters or ACLs, allowing access to resources beyond the router. Use the no-tcp-forwarding option to prevent a user from creating an SSH tunnel to a router via SSH.

For information about other configuration settings, see the following topics:

  • Configuring the Root Login Through SSH
  • Configuring the SSH Protocol Version
  • Configuring the Client Alive Mechanism

Configuring the Root Login Through SSH

By default, users are allowed to log in to the router or switch as root through SSH. To control user access through SSH, include the root-login statement at the [edit systems services ssh] hierarchy level:

[edit system services ssh]
root-login (allow | deny | deny-password);

allow—Allows users to log in to the router or switch as root through SSH. The default is allow.

deny—Disables users from logging in to the router or switch as root through SSH.

denypassword—Allows users to log in to the router or switch as root through SSH when the authentication method (for example, RSA) does not require a password.

Configuring the SSH Protocol Version

By default, both version 1 and version 2 of the SSH protocol are enabled. To configure the router or switch to use only version 1 of the SSH protocol, include the protocol-version statement and specify v1 at the [edit system services ssh] hierarchy level:

[edit system services ssh]
protocol-version [ v1 ];

To configure the router or switch to use only version 2 of the SSH protocol, include the protocol-version statement and specify v2 at the [edit system services ssh] hierarchy level:

[edit system services ssh]
protocol-version [ v2 ];

To explicitly configure the router or switch to use version 1 and 2 of the SSH protocol, include the protocol-version statement and specify v1 and v2 at the [edit system services ssh] hierarchy level:

[edit system services ssh]
protocol-version [ v1 v2 ];

For J Series Services Routers, the export license software supports SSH version 1 only.

Configuring the Client Alive Mechanism

The client alive mechanism is valuable when the client or server depends on knowing when a connection has become inactive. It differs from the standard keepalive mechanism because the client alive messages are sent through the encrypted channel. The client alive mechanism is not enabled at default. To enable it, configure the client-alive-count-max and the client-alive-interval. This option applies to SSH protocol version 2 only.

In the following example, unresponsive SSH clients will be disconnected after approximately 100 seconds (20 x 5).

[edit system services ssh]
client-alive-count-max 5;
client-alive-interval 20;
Juniper Remote Access Configuration SSH service
Juniper Remote Access Configuration SSH service

Juniper Remote Access, Enable WEB Service:

shahed@Jessore-PE1# set system services web-management ?
Possible completions:
+ apply-groups         Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except  Don’t inherit configuration data from these groups
> control              Control of the web management process
> http                 Unencrypted HTTP connection settings
> https                Encrypted HTTPS connections
  management-url       URL path for web management access
> session              Session parameters
shahed@Jessore-PE1# set system services web-management http

shahed@Jessore-PE1# commit
commit complete

Juniper Remote Access Configuration WEB Service
Juniper Remote Access Configuration WEB Service


Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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