March 26, 2025

GPON, XG-PON, XGS-PON What is the difference?

GPON, XG-PON, XGS-PON, What is the difference?

  • XG-PON, 10-Gigabit-capable passive optical network, provides asymmetric 10G GPON transmission (Maximum downstream line rate: 9.953 Gbit/s, Maximum upstream line rate: 2.488 Gbit/s ).
  • XGS-PON, 10-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical network, provides symmetric 10G GPON transmission (Maximum downstream line rate: 9.953 Gbit/s, Maximum upstream line rate: 9.953 Gbit/s ).


Specification Differences Between 10G GPON and GPON

The following table lists specification differences between the two technologies.
Specifications GPON 10G GPON
  • Downstream: 1480-1500 nm
  • Upstream: 1290-1330 nm
  • Downstream: 1575-1580 nm
  • Upstream: 1260-1280 nm
  • Downstream: 1575-1580 nm
  • Upstream: 1260-1280 nm
Center wavelength
  • Downstream: 1490 nm
  • Upstream: 1310 nm
  • Downstream: 1577 nm
  • Upstream: 1270 nm
  • Downstream: 1577 nm
  • Upstream: 1270 nm
Maximum Line Rate
  • Downstream: 2.488 Gbit/s
  • Upstream: 1.244 Gbit/s
  • Downstream: 9.953 Gbit/s
  • Upstream: 2.488 Gbit/s
  • Downstream: 9.953 Gbit/s
  • Upstream: 9.953 Gbit/s
Maximum Physical Transmission Distance

60 km


The physical reach is defined by split ratio, optical module size, and fiber quality.

100 km


The physical reach is defined by split ratio, optical module size, and fiber quality.

100 km


The physical reach is defined by split ratio, optical module size, and fiber quality.

Maximum Split Ratio



The actual split ratio depends on the optical module model and fiber distance.



The actual split ratio depends on the optical module model and fiber distance.



The actual split ratio depends on the optical module model and fiber distance.


No Wavelength Overlap Between GPON and 10G GPON

Figure 1 shows the wavelength distribution of GPON and 10G GPON.

10G GPON Can Co-exists with GPON in the Same ODN

Figure 2 shows the GPON and 10G GPON can coexist in the same ODN with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) mode.





Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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