Change BootROM Password on Huawei Routers:
Today i will discuss how to Change BootROM Password on Huawei Routers. [boxads]
This example applies to all AR models of V200R002C01 and later versions.
1. Connect a PC to the device with a serial cable and log in to the device through the console port.
2. Restart the device. When the message “Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup …” is displayed, press Ctrl+B and enter the password to display the BootROM main menu.
BIOS Creation Date : Nov 07 2013, 12:41:12
DDR DRAM init : OK
Start Memory Test ? (‘t’ or ‘T’ is test):skip
Copying Data : Done
Uncompressing : Done
USB2 Host Stack Initialized.
USB Hub Driver Initialized
USBD Wind River Systems, Inc. 562 Initialized
Octeon Host Controller Initialize……Done.
Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup … 2
The default password in V200R003C01 and earlier versions is huawei, and the default password in V200R005C00 and later versions is Admin@huawei.
3. Select choice 7 to enter the Password Manager menu.
Main Menu
1. Default Startup
2. Serial Menu
3. Network Menu
4. Startup Select
5. File Manager
6. Reboot
7. Password Manager
Enter your choice(1-6):7
4. Select choice 1 to change the password.
PassWord Menu
1. Modify the menu password
2. Clear the console login password
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-1):1
Modify password. Press Ctrl+c to break.
Enter Old Password:******
Input new password:******
Input new password again:******
Are you sure to change password? [y/n]:y
Save new password Success.
Configuration Notes
- Do not randomly enter the BootROM menu to perform operations. If necessary, contact Huawei technical support personnel.
- When performing operations, ensure that users on the serial port are kept online.
- Keep your password secure.
Hi What is the default password MA5600V800R018C00