December 22, 2024

Huawei OLT Basic Configuration/Initial Setup

Huawei OLT Basic Configuration/Initial Setup

Today I will discuss how to initially Configure Huawei OLT / Huawei OLT Basic Configuration. So let’s go our configuration part. Here i use  Huawei SmartAX MA5608T GPON OLT. At first connect PC/Laptop via console port & open terminal software, such Xshell, Putty, ZOC etc…..Then enable and go to config mode & follow bellow step.

Huawei OLT default user name: root  and Password admin or admin123

OLT Eth port default IP:  if you want to access by UTP cable then need to put IP in your Laptop/PC.

Add Hostname/Device Name:

huawei(config)#sysname  Gponsolution

Add Management IP for local access by MCUD board ETH port:

This is for your local login port, it is need for firmware upgrade & locally login, you did not get internet through this ETH port & not use like as Upstream port.

Huawei OLT Basic Configuration Initial Setup MA5608T
Huawei OLT Basic Configuration Initial Setup MA5608T

Gponsolution(config)#interface meth0
Gponsolution(config-if-meth0)#ip address

Management Vlan Add & assign OLT IP for remote access via Telnet:

Gponsolution(config)#vlan 10 smart
Gponsolution(config)#interface vlanif10
Gponsolution(config-if-vlanif10)#ip address

Management Vlan Pass & Description in upstream interface:

Here Management VLAN is 10 & upstream MCUD port is GE0. by-default GE0 port is Trunk port so your uplink device port must be Trunk port.

Gponsolution(config)#port vlan 10 0/2 0

Gponsolution(config)#port desc 0/2/0 description “Uplink-with…….”

GPON Board/Card Add:

In first time when you power on OLT then you see all GPON board is Auto_find mode, you can add this board two way.

Gponsolution(config)#board confirm 0

Huawei OLT Basic Configuration MA5608T
Huawei OLT Basic Configuration MA5608T

or manually Add by bellow command

Gponsolution(config)#board add 0/0 H805GPFD
Gponsolution(config)#board add 0/1 H806GPBD

OLT PON port Auto find/ ONT Auto discovery Enable:

Gponsolution(config)#interface gpon 0/0
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/0)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/0)#port 1 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/0)#port 2 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/0)#port 15 ont-auto-find enable

Gponsolution(config)#interface gpon 0/1
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 1 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 2 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 3 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 4 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 5 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 6 ont-auto-find enable
Gponsolution(config-if-gpon-0/1)#port 7 ont-auto-find enable

Note: H805GPBD is 8 port Board & H806GPFD is 16 PON port board.

Add a Static Route (optional):
Gponsolution(config)#ip route-static

N.B: is your Router interface/Sub-interface IP of VLAN interface 10.

Others Configure Huawei OLT:

Gponsolution(config)#timezone GMT+ 06:00
Gponsolution(config)#time date-format DD/MM/YYYY

User Create:

Please follow bellow link for user create.

User Create in Huawei OLT

Also follow bellow link to register an ONT:

Create DBA profile in Huawei OLT

Create Traffic Table in Huawei OLT

How to Register a Huawei ONT in Huawei OLT


Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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Hi! I am Shahed Israr. I try to help GPON Technology users with their queries and provide them with relevant and accurate information to the best of my ability. My main goal is to assist and enhance GPON Technology user and help people find the answers they're looking for quickly and easily.

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