Load declaration Huawei OLT
Load declaration command is used to load the law declaration file. The law declaration is the prompt or warning shown when a user logs in to the system. If the law declaration is set to be shown, the system shows the law declaration information when a user logs in to the system. In this case, the user is required to decide whether to accept the law declaration. After accepting the law declaration, the user can log in to the device. Otherwise, logging in to the device fails.
load declaration { xmodem |tftp ServerIpAddress filename | ftp ServerIpAddress filename | sftp ServerIpAddress filename } options
xmodem: Loads data through the serial port using the Xmodem protocol. When the embedded HyperTerminal of the operation system is used for configuring the serial port, use this parameter. There is no need to use networking for loading the serial port and no need to install the software of the NMS to maintain the system through the CLI.
tftp: Loads data through the network port using the TFTP protocol. When the TFTP transfer mode is adopted, use this parameter. In this mode, you need not to enter the password
ftp: Loads data through the network port using the FTP protocol. When the FTP transfer mode is adopted, use this parameter. In this mode, you need to enter the username and password Run the display ftp command to query the username and password.
sftp: Loads data through the network port using the SFTP protocol. When the SFTP transfer mode is adopted, use this parameter. In this mode, the commands and data are encrypted during the transmission. SFTP is recommended.
ServerIpAddress: Is the IP address of the server.
filename: Is the configuration file name.
options: Loads the file for the active control board or standby control board. When you need to load the file for the active control board, select active. When you need to load the file for the standby control board, select standby.
This command apply Administrator level & Privilege mode.
Usage Guidelines:
- You can run the display system declaration switch command to query the status of the law declaration switch.
- You can run the system declaration switch command to configure the law declaration switch.
- In the case of loading through FTP, TFTP, or SFTP, you can run the display progress load command to query the loading progress. In the case of loading through Xmodem, the display progress load command is unavailable.
To load the law declaration file readme.txt to the active control board from the TFTP server with the IP address, do as follows:
BD-Huawei#load declaration
{ ftp<K>|sftp<K>|tftp<K>|xmodem<K> }:tftp Â
{ ServerIpAddress<I><X.X.X.X> }:
{ filename<S><Length 1-128> }:readme.txt
{ Options<E><active,standby> }:active                                        Â
         load declaration tftp readme.txt active
 Load(backup,duplicate,…) begins, please wait and notice the rate of progress
 Any operation such as reboot or switchover will cause failure and
unpredictable result
 The loading starts
 PARAMETERS :FrameID: 0, SlotID: 9, Position: -1, Load type: Declaration file,
Load Object: Active control board
System Response:
- The system reports the relevant information after the BIOS file is loaded successfully.